Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wedding Do's and Do NOT

Your Guide to a successful wedding

The Do’s

•Do: Outline a realistic budget. These are mandatory to keep you on track and stress free.
•Do: give yourself plenty of time to plan and work with your planner.
•Do: organize all of the pieces of the wedding. A binder which includes separate tabs for wedding professionals, appointments, contracts, gown/dress swatches, etc. is a great investment.
•Do: prepare and follow a timetable of events, including appointments, deposits & payments, review contract terms, fittings, etc..
•Do: Hire a coordinator to handle every aspect of the wedding day. (highly recommended) To ensure your wedding day is truly “your special day” every item must be coordinated.
•Do: Hire professionals that you are comfortable with. If you are not comfortable speaking with someone, or if it seems like your questions or inquiries are just brushed off, then it would probably be a good idea to seek out someone else.
•Do: enjoy yourself. This will be one of the most memorable times in your lives.
•Do: Talk, Talk, Talk, Express your wishes and desires….if you don’t speak up no one knows what you really want…

The Do NOT

•Do not: procrastinate in your planning – hire all of your wedding professionals as soon as the date is set or as soon as possible. Some of the best wedding planners and vendors are scooped up 6 months to a year in advance.
•Do Not: Accept something because it is easier and you don’t want to hurt feelings… You are paying ..IT”S YOUR WEDDING….You need and deserve to get what YOU want!!!
•Do not: hire your wedding professionals until you have a working budget. Know what you can afford and if you are pressed for money, budget more for the items that are going to matter the most and less for the non essential “frills”.
•Do not: hire professionals just because they’re the cheapest – Like everything in life, you get what you pay for. Your wedding is one of the most important days in your lives, make sure that the memories you have will be good ones.
•Do not: hire the first professional you meet – We reccomend you check out a minimum of 3 for a proper comparison.
•Do not: be afraid to ask questions. If you are unsure of something “ask”. The only “stupid” question is the one that wasn’t asked!!!
•Do not: assume anything! – get everything in writing. CONTRACT – CONTRACT – CONTRACT.
•Do not: make decisions without consulting your mate – it’s their wedding also.
•Do not: invite everyone you’ve ever known. – weddings are expensive.
•DO NOT: worry about everyone else’s advise – its YOUR wedding. I repeat ….IT’S “YOUR” WEDDING!! You should have what you and your fiance want…. To me this is in the top of what you need to remember when planning your wedding..

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